Additional Program Details
The property cannot be listed on the MLS within 30 days from the time of submission, while under contract, or after COE.
You or the current homeowner must not have submitted a request to Offerpad on the property within the last 30 days.
You must present current interior and exterior pictures at the time of offer submittal (previous listing photos do not qualify).
You must be identified in the offer request, continue to represent your seller, be available throughout the process, and the sale must successfully close.

Consumer Benefits
Skip the traditional listing and sell to a cash buyer off market
Convenience of a fast sale process
No showings. No open houses
No contingency; a competitive cash offer in hand. No double mortgage payments. No moving twice
Select a closing date between 15-90 days
Extended Stay option, giving your seller additional days in the home, post COE
A professional free local move, paid for by Offerpad

Agent Benefits
• Eligible for 3% referral fee